Two new laws governing surrogacy and assisted reproduction went into force in India recently as a result of years of lobbying by the Center for Reproductive Rights and its allies. The Assisted Reproductive Technology Act (“ART Act”) and the Surrogacy Act both contain numerous rules that specify requirements for ethical surrogacy in India and assisted reproductive technology (ART), as well as a detailed list of rights that safeguard children born through ART.
While the legislation passed in 2021 included a number of the Center’s and its allies’ suggestions, activists have found important loopholes that call for additional activism and legislative change.
While infertility has literally closed the doors to happiness for most of the struggling parents, various ART procedures are still in the process to make them achieve their parenthood goals. Still, the low success rates of these treatments have always been the major issue, and that’s where most of these people have opted for either surrogacy or adoption.
But again, people often get confused between both and this is where the below-mentioned aspects can bring you the required clarification in the same regards.
There is a big difference in the cost of both surrogacy and adoption process. Speaking of cost, surrogacy procedure is more costly than adoption due to a list of treatments and diagnoses involved during the whole process.
Apart from the medical charges, the parents have to take care of the surrogate compensations, surrogacy agency fees, and other related costs. Now, this is where adoption may sound like a better and cheaper option for those who couldn’t bear the cost of surrogacy.
Biological connection
Most of the parents want their child to be sharing the same genetics and the same can only become possible in the surrogacy process. Hereby, the embryo is created out of the parent gametes and then gets transferred into the womb of the surrogate mother.
On the other side, adoption doesn’t allow you any such biological connection and this is where most of the couples opt for surrogacy to realize their parenthood dreams.
The surrogacy process at the best surrogacy agency at united States provides better and bigger control in the hand of the intended parents during every step as compared to adoption. From the selection of the surrogate to opting for the required egg or sperm donor, it all depends on their call.
Now again, adoption doesn’t come with any such privilege for the intended parent as they just have to furnish certain documents and required formalities to acquire the custody of the child.
Medical and legal procedures involved
When it comes to adoption, you don’t really need a medical or legal process in place to complete the process. On the other side, you need to hire a legal attorney to draft the surrogacy agreement between the surrogate and the intended parent’s surrogacy in Dubai.
Furthermore, the medical process is quite lengthy and detailed depending upon the case in consideration.
Success rate
In case of an adoption, there is a chance that the parents or the adoption center refuse to give the custody of the child to the intended parents due to random reasons, Now this is where surrogacy has been deemed as a better option altogether.
Not only the success rate is almost 100 percent, but you also don’t need to wait for years to claim the custody of your child at the Australian surrogacy agency.
All intended parents are bound to have a ton of questions to the surrogate agency before the start of the surrogacy. Rightly so; this is one of the most critical journeys they will embark in their lives. All reputed surrogacy agencies will help intended parents in all their doubts before, during, and after the surrogacy programme.
Communicating with the surrogate agency is not as easy as it sounds. With many countries banning surrogacy, international surrogacy is popular. It is not viable for intended parents to visit the country where the surrogacy programme is undertaken to clarify each doubt. Poor communication with the surrogate agency will only leave intended parents confused and sceptical about the whole process.
Importance of communication
Intended parents are clueless about the surrogacy policies, rules and regulations. Only a surrogacy agency would be able to help intended parents clear all of their doubts and clarifications.
Surrogacy is a procedure that is in dire need of transparent and open communication. Having a trustworthy process is one of the many ways intended parents identify that the surrogacy agency is legit and can be trusted. More the conversation both parties have with each other, the more and more trust intended parents gain on the agency.
Communication is the only way for the surrogacy agency to share all details of the process with the intended parents. Having an open stream of communication is essential for the intended parents to ensure that they have no confusions on the entire process.
Mentioned below are some points that are worth keeping in mind about communication with the surrogate agency: