Is France going to lift the ban on surrogacy any time soon?

The question of legalising gestational surrogacy in France has revived in recent years for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, there is an increasing need for autonomy, particularly in terms of personal life choices. Women whose infertility is caused by a congenital deformity, cancer surgery, postpartum bleeding, or Distilbene exposure have a chronic desire.

Finally, individuals might seek international surrogacy in the United States or in countries such as Ukraine and India, where specialist facilities cater to foreigners. When they return to France with children created in this manner, however, proving filial links is more difficult.

A majority of French residents now favour the restriction of surrogate parenthood via surrogacy centre france. It is justified on the basis of ethical considerations for the child, the surrogate mother, and society as a whole.

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