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surrogacy agency in canada

Who is Eligible to become a Surrogate Mother in Canada?

For a variety of reasons, many people turn to surrogacy in Canada. Still, the question that comes through is- who are the surrogate mother in canada? Do they really want to support a same sex couple or they are simply coming on board for monetary gains?

Well, there is a lot to know and comprehend regarding various aspects related to surrogacy in Canada like surrogacy agency in Canada or surrogate mother in Canada. In this blog, we will take a detailed look on all such key aspects.

What you must know about surrogacy in Canada?

It’s critical that you understand that while it’s wonderful to support people in starting families, it’s also crucial that this journey is right for you. So, who exactly are you hoping to assist? Why do you wish to assist them? Really consider why surrogacy makes sense for you, why you should do it now, and why.

These are few questions that needs to be answered before you kickstart your journey with the help of a surrogate mother in Canada.

Surrogate Mother in Canada


Who are surrogate mothers in Canada?.

The surrogacy agency in Canada must ensure bringing the best and most suitable surrogate candidates for your specific program. They must be aware that the term “healthy surrogate ” is a relative one. In this situation, being healthy would include not taking any long-term drugs.

Moreover, regardless of their age, you are taking care of your children. You must be between the ages of 21 and 45 to be eligible. Besides, you are dedicated to assisting individuals in becoming parents. Last but not least, you have had straightforward pregnancies.

• There are certain moments in every pregnancy. However, in this case, “uncomplicated” simply indicates that your pregnancies produced healthy, full-term infants!

• All socioeconomic backgrounds and stages of parenthood are represented by surrogates.

• Women can be found in heterosexual, lesbian, marital, and conventional relationships. These specifics are not necessary to become a surrogate mother in Canada.

They matter to us, though, if you’re prepared to share. They are significant because we care about you. We want to make sure that everyone you work with is enthusiastic to support you in any way that makes sense and is aware of your social circumstances.

Other requirements to be a surrogate mother in Canada

Most frequently, it would be a woman who is currently nursing and has no immediate plans to stop. Because the clinic asks that you not be nursing when you attend a screening session, we would advise signing back up with us as you approach weaning.

Women who take long-term medicine are also included. While antidepressants are acceptable, please continue to apply, the doctor may request that you switch to a different prescription that is more pregnancy-safe rather than the one you are presently taking.

Just so you’re aware, using insulin or high blood pressure medicine is unfortunately not recommended. Last but not least, if you have a criminal record or have participated in a substance abuse program within the last five years, those are things that we just cannot overlook.

Final words

Being a surrogate mother in Canada may require you to fulfill a list of pre-defined conditions and aspects. So, before putting through your application, read all the pre-requisites while doing your own research and analysis.

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