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Surrogacy clinics in Australia

Longing to Enjoy Parenthood

Family is the most important part of one’s life. It is arduous to think of one’s existence without family. We get love, support, care and protection from the family members. There is no life without the family members. This is the institution where we learn to instill the values of sharing, caring and providing all comforts to others without even thinking of our own. Family comprises parents, grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousins and the list is endless. But the families where one cannot hear the cries of the kids and enjoy their tantrums, are deprived of the beauty of life.

A Ray of Hope

It has been said where there’s will, there’s a way. Due to innovations in the medical field, many couples have been blessed with the child. The method of surrogacy has been developed many years ago and it is a boon for the parents who cannot have the baby with a natural process. The entire process is regulated under the supervision of the experts of the medical team. This formulated method to become parents is a ray of hope for the childless parents.

The agency provides assistance not only to restricted places but we are working globally to provide assistance and support to many couples who want to have a child. Surrogacy agency in Kenya provides all the facilities to the intended parents. The surrogacy journey is hassle free and emotionally rewarding. The constant guidance and support throughout the process boost up their morale and take a bold step to live their life according to their choice. Along with the best services, the cost of undergoing the procedure of surrogacy does not make a hole in your pocket.

Surrogacy clinics in Australia

The First Step to Initiate a Process

Surrogacy clinics in Australia explain the entire process to the couples to avoid any kind of confusion and chaos. Nothing is being hidden from them. The detailed explanation from the beginning till end makes them proactive and they act wisely at the time of critical situations, if there is any. The process of becoming parents through surrogacy is not a child’s play. It takes away so much time, money and energy. Thus, the agency takes care of the sentiments of the parents attached to it. Thus, we do not charge hefty amounts from them. During this process, the charges of clinics, psychologists, lawyers , travel agents and all other professionals involved in it.

Care and Well-Being of the Surrogates

One who bears the child in her womb for nine months should be given extra care and protection. The foetus she is carrying should not be affected by any kind of stress and adverse situation. She should remain cool and calm during her pregnancy period. We provide all kinds of support and keeps guiding her for better delivery conditions. She should feel relaxed and should involve in recreational activities.

The members of agency takes care of everyone’s privacy whosoever is involved and does not like to disclose this situation to anyone except to the ones who are very close to them. Gestational surrogacy Spain also takes care of all the situations which do not create any emotional upheaval.

The members of the medical team are so efficient and skilled in their profession that we provide the best services to the couples who want to live their dream of having a child but they cannot give birth themselves. We supply them with the consistent support and keep the surrogate mother under care and protection to observe her for any kind of complications. This would save everyone from being getting disturbed at the eleventh hour. It is safe if proper care is being given.

Spain Surrogacy

Parenthood is a Bliss for the Intended Couples

Science has been progressing rapidly since ages. Every century has seen tremendous changes in the working pattern and lifestyle of the people due to the innovations and discoveries in the field of technology, medical, communication, information technology, and transportation etc. The last two decades have witnessed a great change in the medical field with the advent of the latest medical equipment to treat the patients. The couples who are longing to have the child but cannot have it due to some medical issues, now they can go for various other artificial processes to have their own child. The facility of test tube babies, IVF, surrogate mother is available. The process is unnatural but you will be blessed to have your own child.

Surrogacy Laws by Country

The laws related to surrogacy are different in different countries. Some countries have legal permission to go for surrogate mothers but some do not allow their citizens to go for this due to certain legal complications. Surrogacy Spain is illegal, the government of the nation does not give permission to its citizens for this but they can go in other countries where surrogacy is legal. Other countries like Thailand, Ukraine, Russia, Nepal, Poland etc. have also given legal authority for this.

The agency which provides a facility to arrange a surrogate for the intended couples has sufficient resources to help you. The diligent members of the agency provide all possible facilities to the clients to benefit them with the beautiful gift of this world. We hire a surrogate for the client and after the required tests and screenings, she is permitted to carry the foetus for the desired parents in lieu of some money and promise to hand it over to the parents after the child takes birth.

Spain Surrogacy

Working Efficiently in Other Countries

The agency is working effectively in other countries to assist the parents in fulfilling their wish. This is a complicated as well as a legal process so an authentic and recognized agency can only help to carry out the further proceedings of the entire period of surrogacy. Surrogacy agency in Australia is also working systematically and providing great help to the people who want to earn money by becoming surrogate mothers and to the intended parents.

We provide you the best alternative to go through IVF treatment and gestational carrier services. Kenya surrogacy agency takes care of the legal agreement between the two parties and makes sure that no situations come up for breaching the agreement. It is taken care of that the child is born in very normal and healthy conditions. No such situations are created which affect the health of surrogate mothers. The most secure and healthy environment for the new born baby and a great care is taken of the fundamental rights of surrogate as well as intended parents during the entire process of surrogacy. None of the parties are at loss because we provide the best facility and conditions for both.

In spite of a complicated process of surrogacy, we promise to handle the entire situation with great efficiency. We offer end to end service which initiates with your arrival till you carry your child back home safely. The services provided by the medical experts of the agency facilitate you with all kinds of emotional support as we keep empathy with the people involved in this process. We want you to feel emotionally strong and do not get any setback in any kind of situation. We help you to remain calm, composed and quiet in this emotional moment.

Surrrogacy and related laws in various countries around the world

Surrogacy is a process that has helped numerous couples around the world with their child-seeking dreams. Over the past few years, it has been on trends whilst making its way into the lives of millions of common people and high-end celebrities. Although the cost and legality of the process is a matter of argument in many countries around, it is getting popular in the wake of increasing infertility issues across the globe. Still, when we talk about surrogacy laws in different countries, it varies from one country to another in perspective to their culture and social beliefs.

Surrogacy laws in India

As per the ruling passed by the Health Ministry of India in November 2015, commercial surrogacy and gay surrogacy India is completely banned in India. So, all those who would like to know about India surrogacy laws must look down to this factor properly for Gay surrogacy in India. Surrogacy is not legal India and all those surrogacy arrangements which have been commissioned by India surrogacy agency before the given date of the order have been reviewed in every regard.



Before 2015, commercial surrogacy legal in India and India was been considered as the hub for surrogacy tourism across the globe. Even if we would’ve included the cost of flight tickets, random medical procedures, and accommodation, it was around almost one-third of the total cost

Surrogacy laws in Spain

Although there hasn’t been regulation by the government in the same regards, gestational surrogacy Spain isn’t legalized in any aspect within the Spanish territories. Still, if there is any couple which has to look forward to Spain surrogacy in the country, they have to opt for a location and place where it has been legalized.

South Africa

The South Africa Children’s Act of 2005 which came into force in the year 2010 has authorized the “intended parents” and the surrogate mother to get their surrogacy agreement verified by the High Court before starting with the fertilization process. This would then validate the intended parents as the authorized legal parent’s right from the start of the whole process.  Still the surrogate mother will be the legal mother until the next 60 days of the birth of the child and she can also change her mind in the meantime. On the other side, only the people residing in the country can opt for the surrogacy process and mostly the single parents and gay couples are allowed to pursue the surrogacy arrangement in the country. On the other side, one of the parents is required to be genetically connected with the future child and they can only opt for altruistic surrogacy and not commercial surrogacy.


Thailand used to be the main hub of surrogacy seeking people but commercial surrogacy is been banned in the country starting from the year 2015. Also, foreign people traveling to the country are now prohibited to pursue the surrogacy process, and it’s only been available for the locals in the country.

How surrogacy serves as the best option for your child-seeking dreams ?

When it comes to surrogacy, it’s often considered an arrangement where a surrogate mother carries the child on behalf of the intended parents in return for some money or other compensation in return.

On the other hand, if we talk about surrogacy as an option to people compared to other infertility treatments like IVF , it has served them with a choice of getting a better result out of their big efforts in terms of money, time and other aspects. While we are talking about it, let’s take a look at some of the most significant advantages of surrogacy.


  • It brings a ray of hope into the dark lives of the infertile couple

If we talk about the couples going through the dark journey of infertility in their lives, nothing can make them feel happy than the smile of that little hope in their backyard. They might get through numerous hours of stress and depression in the journey, but everything vanishes once they grab their child in their hand.

Thus, Kenya surrogacy agency is the best option for all those Intended parents who are still waiting to have a child even after going through numerous fertility treatments.



  • It brings a connection between the intended parents and the child:

There have been some myths attached to Surrogacy Agencies that the child would be carrying the ethics and moral values of a third party, and the intended parents can’t have a genetic connection with the same.

However, the reality states that the Intended parents can still have that connection with their future child as the sperm used during the process to develop and embryo belongs to the Intended father( except in case of a sperm donor).


  • Its comparison with other ART treatments and fertility treatments:

Surrogacy has soon become one of the most trending subjects in reproductive science currently and there are numerous celebrities and common people who prefer it over all the other fertility treatments like IVF, IUI, or ICSI. Although all these treatments have their own pros and cons, Surrogacy has emerged as the most popular option for most people.



  • It brings on a win-win situation for all the parties involved in the arrangement:

While surrogacy at Surrogacy Agencies in Australia may bring a ray of hope and happiness to the lives of the intended parents and for gay surrogacy in the process, it also serves to needs and requirements of the surrogate mother alongside.

This is where it comes as the right solution on board for all the parties in terms of money, effort, and result obtained. Even the surrogate mother would be getting compensated for bearing the child for the intended parents.

Adoption vs. Surrogacy –which one is better method to realise your parenthood dreams!

While infertility has literally closed the doors to happiness for most of the struggling parents, various ART procedures are still in the process to make them achieve their parenthood goals. Still, the low success rates of these treatments have always been the major issue, and that’s where most of these people have opted for either surrogacy or adoption.

But again, people often get confused between both and this is where the below-mentioned aspects can bring you the required clarification in the same regards.

  • Cost

There is a big difference in the cost of both surrogacy and adoption process. Speaking of cost, surrogacy procedure is more costly than adoption due to a list of treatments and diagnoses involved during the whole process.

Apart from the medical charges, the parents have to take care of the surrogate compensations, surrogacy agency fees, and other related costs. Now, this is where adoption may sound like a better and cheaper option for those who couldn’t bear the cost of surrogacy.



  • Biological connection

Most of the parents want their child to be sharing the same genetics and the same can only become possible in the surrogacy process. Hereby, the embryo is created out of the parent gametes and then gets transferred into the womb of the surrogate mother.

On the other side, adoption doesn’t allow you any such biological connection and this is where most of the couples opt for surrogacy to realize their parenthood dreams.

  • Control

The surrogacy process at the best surrogacy agency at united States provides better and bigger control in the hand of the intended parents during every step as compared to adoption. From the selection of the surrogate to opting for the required egg or sperm donor, it all depends on their call.

Now again, adoption doesn’t come with any such privilege for the intended parent as they just have to furnish certain documents and required formalities to acquire the custody of the child.

  • Medical and legal procedures involved

When it comes to adoption, you don’t really need a medical or legal process in place to complete the process. On the other side, you need to hire a legal attorney to draft the surrogacy agreement between the surrogate and the intended parent’s surrogacy in Dubai.

Furthermore, the medical process is quite lengthy and detailed depending upon the case in consideration.

  • Success rate

In case of an adoption, there is a chance that the parents or the adoption center refuse to give the custody of the child to the intended parents due to random reasons, Now this is where surrogacy has been deemed as a better option altogether.

Not only the success rate is almost 100 percent, but you also don’t need to wait for years to claim the custody of your child at the Australian surrogacy agency.

Why surrogacy is gaining some big popularity amongst people from all walks of life?

Hearing about surrogacy a lot these days but don’t know what it is all about? Well, you may have to take a deep dive into the whole concept before ending up with your own conclusions in the same regards.

Surrogacy isn’t just for people that are fighting with the curse of infertility in their lives and people nowadays from every walk of life are getting attracted to this method of achieving parenthood. From Jayz to Kim Kardashian, everyone has pursued surrogacy to bring that long-awaited smile into their barren lives.

So, who are those people that opt for surrogacy agency in USA to realize their parenthood dreams? Well, the below-mentioned list can certainly help you in the same regards.

1. People struggling with infertility

fertility solutions agency

While infertility has become a curse for most of the struggling couples around the world, surrogacy has appeared to be the only solution to their worries.

Even though treatment options like IVF are in place, the limited success rate has pushed many couples to opt for surrogacy eventually.

As Kenya surrogacy clinic gives you a sure shot guarantee of a child without many hassles, it has been preferred nowadays by most of the couples around the world.

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How the Gestational Surrogacy Process Works?

Gestational surrogacy can be quoted as one of the most sought after surrogacy arrangements across the globe. Here, the surrogate mother gets infused with an embryo created out of the sperm and eggs of the intended parents and she will then be carrying the child for the next nine months period. Hereby, the intended parents will be having a biological connection with the child and unlike any other surrogacy arrangement; the surrogate mother won’t be having any such connection with the newborn.

This kind of surrogacy is also been known as a “host surrogacy” or “full surrogacy.” The fact that one or both the parents will be biologically connected with the newborn makes this gestational surrogacy much more feasible and less complicated than all the other types of surrogacy arrangements.

On the other side, the following section of people often looks forward to the gestational surrogacy process.

– Couples who are really struggling with infertility

– Single parents looking for a child

– Same-sex couples

– couples who don’t want a biological connection between the child and the surrogate mother

– A women who has gone through numerous miscarriages

gestational surrogacy cost

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The Surrogacy Journey of an Intended Parent!

Looking for a surrogacy plan isn’t an easy job at all and being the intended parent, you got to make a list of choices in regards to your overall surrogacy journey. From the budget, till the search process for the surrogate mother, an intended parent has to go through a details mind boggling and intense journey altogether. Talking about the process, if there is one aspect which takes a lot of efforts, it’s the search regarding the surrogate mother. If you have looked u for someone from your network or friend connections, it may come helpful, but in other case, you really got to search it with your best efforts.

Surrogate Mother Search

Searching a surrogate mother comes as a hefty task and this is where most of the intended parents deal with a surrogacy agency at the first place. Whilst they can also look up to the same search all by themselves, it may eat up all their time and money in the process. Moreover, a surrogacy agency will look onto the entire task as involved in the surrogacy process like the screening process, dealing with the IVF clinic and so on. Once dealing it themselves, the intended parents need to take care of all these tasks by themselves only.

Surrogate Mother Agency

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Elective Egg Freezing: All You Want to Know About the Latest Egg Freezing Trend

7 Aug 2019 Egg Freezing

Egg freezing is the most advanced technology, which allows women to preserve their fertility needs while they focus on some other priorities. It is the best choice for young women who need to focus on their college or career and cancer patients who want to give birth child later. It is indeed an essential fertility technic for young women who want to become a mother for some point in time. They can use IVF instead of freezing the embryos. Do you want to know more about egg freezing technology? So, just scroll down.

Not just the egg freezing process helps in preserving fertility but also helps maintain the number of eggs when ovary reduces egg supply. There is various egg freezing center out there, which comes with amazing technology to help you preserve and maintain your eggs at the best level. With the egg freezing center, you can rest assured that all of your eggs are safe and will be available for making a baby later in life.

Egg Freezing Process

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Risk Free Surrogacy Contract – All you Need to Know About it

It is essential for a legal surrogacy contract to cover the interests of all parties involved in the agreement.While many IVF fertility clinics assist both the surrogate mother and the intended parent with all legal formalities, it is crucial for everyone involved to be aware of the legalities. The surrogacy contract not only details on the responsibilities of all parties involved but also extends to regulations post delivering the child too.

Professional lawyer

Getting a professional lawyer is a prime step in the process of creating a surrogacy contract. A poorly worded agreement by an amateur will lead to conflicts in the later stage. So, hiring an experienced professional is vital for the process. A fittingly drafted surrogacy contract will not only protect the rights of the intended parents but also guards the interests of the surrogate mother.

Many lawyers specialize in drafting surrogacy contracts. It is ideal to find such a lawyer and get them on board. They would be able to guide the surrogate mother or the intended couple about the formalities and warn them of potential pitfalls. A lawyer is not where you would want to save money.

Capture the complete surrogacy programmes

It is essential to document all physical and psychological tests that have to be performed to ensure the safe growth of the baby in the surrogate mother’s womb. The complete surrogacy process in bangkok has to be documented in the surrogacy contract. Doing so will help maintain clarity to both parties and also avoid mishaps in the future.

surrogacy agency in india

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